Tekla Custom Components
Explore the range of custom components we have developed and if you wish to purchase complete the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page noting the components you wish to purchase and I will send you an invoice.
If you have any ideas for new components please let us know!
001 – Galvanizing / Vent Hole component for baseplates or endplates
The first component we have developed is a Galvanizing / Vent Hole component for baseplates or endplates.
002 – Cap plate component that includes Galvanizing / Vent Holes
The next component we have developed is a Cap plate component that includes Galvanizing / Vent Holes.
003 – Windbracing D-Washer Bracing
This component is a bracing component for a Rod Brace that adds a Windbrace style D-Washer and nuts and washers.
004 – Column Assembly
This component allows you to model a Pad Footing, Column, Baseplate and Cap plate with one mouse click.
005 – Tube Brace Seal Plate Galvanizing/Vent Holes
Adding Galvanizing holes to split seal plates on tube braces can be tedious. This component makes this easy.
006 – Bent Plate Beam
Modelling Bent plates that are simply 90 degree angles can be tedious but this component will make the job easy.
007 – Webforge Gate
Webforge Gates made easy!
008 – Tube Sleeve
This component adds a CHS/Pipe sleeve to a Square/Rectangular hollow section.
009 – Caged Ladder
This component models a Ladder with a Cage that complies to general Australian standards. It will automatically adjust the rung spacings and cage hoop placement.
010 – Brace Cross Packer
This component adds a square packer plate between 2 back to back angle braces. These connections can be tedious to model manually but this component makes it a breeze!
011 – Rod Brace Centre Ring
This component adds a centre ring style connection to 4 intersecting Rod braces complete with nuts and washers.